Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Daily Commute

Well, I'm finally back to commuting to work on my bike. I had started doing that in 2004 to get in shape and save on gas money. But I had stopped doing that in the Fall for a variety of reasons. Now those reasons are no longer valid, so I'm back on the bike. Yeah, it means getting up 30 minutes earlier, but it's worth it. It's about a 25 minute ride to my school. I try to beat the buses - otherwise I engage in "school-bus sprinting" which can be rather exciting. School bus drivers seem to be really annoyed by a lycra-clad cyclist flying by them in a school zone. I really can't imagine why.

I feel better during the day when I ride to school in the morning. It gets my metabolism moving and actually gives me energy for the day - plenty of energy to deal with high-schoolers.

It's amazing how fast I can get out of habits that are good for me. I always use the excuse that "life gets in the way", blah, blah, blah. But the real reason is that I just get lazy. Hopefully I can reverse that disturbing trend and get back to doing what I need to to be healthy again.

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