Monday, April 28, 2008


My school had it's prom Saturday night. It was a really nice event. After seeing kids dress up like thugs and emo-rockers all day, it's nice to see them dress up for once. Some of them clean up rather nicely. Of course, the teachers who chaperone have a grand ol' time. There seems to be a core group of us that always go to the dances. The kids seem quite amused when we join them on the dance floor. It's become a tradition of late for the teachers to all get on the floor when "Time Warp" from Rocky Horror is played. For some reason, I've become synonymous with that piece of music.

I'm not in the best of minds or moods this morning. I have a toothache, and our filly did a little dance number on my left foot this morning while trying to give her her medication.

I'm tired of school and ready for it to be over with. I love kids, but sometimes I wish I was working with machinery where if it doesn't do what it's supposed to, I could just whack it with a hammer. I don't think administration would take too kindly to me whacking kids with a hammer...

This whole gas pricing thing is taking a toll. $41 to fill a tank of a Nissan Sentra. It's a good thing I get good gas mileage and commute to work on my bike. But it definitely affects other areas of my life. I don't go out hardly at all and am trying to eat at home every night if possible. It's also affected my visitations with my son. He lives in Gainesville and I can't afford to drive up there twice a month. Sometimes I really hate civilization...

Friday, April 18, 2008

food journal

Well, I've started an on-line food journal to keep track of what I eat and calories consumed, along with my exercising every day. I'm just doing it to see what I'm doing wrong with my weight. About three years ago, I was able to lose over 30 pounds. Unfortunately, I've gained most of it back. I got out of my good healthy habits. By doing this journal, I'm hoping to see what I need to change consumption-wise. As far as exercise, I just need to increase my mileage on my bike. If I do that and watch what I eat, hopefully the weight will come off.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

april cold

This is wrong on so many levels. It's April 16th in Florida, and I had to build a fire last night to warm up the house! Just last week I was riding my bike in 80+ degree weather, and now I'm having to layer up to go outside. I really despise Al Gore for inventing "global warming". Oh well, at least it's sunny...

now playing - Rock Lobster, the B-52's

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

a good break

Last week was my Spring Break. It was time well spent. I rode 250 miles on my bike, working on my fabulous tan lines. I also cleaned up the pasture for the filly. That was my main project and it felt good to have it done. I always enjoy a sense of accomplishment. We also took a day to go to the Florida International Museum and saw the Vatican Splendors, an exhibit of artifacts from the Vatican Museum in Rome. It was very cool to see paintings and sculptures that no one has seen for 400 years. Seeing artifacts from the tomb of Peter was awe-inspiring. The history of the Vatican is very interesting. And I get to go there in 201o!

Friday, April 4, 2008

the struggling talent

Today is my school's Talent Show. I've been helping another teacher organize it for the last six years and MC it every year. It's something I truly enjoy. In a school where sports are king, it's nice to display talent that doesn't require a jock-strap. Education is in a very frustrating downward spiral where the arts take a back seat to testing and sports. They fail to realize that artistic students more often than not happen to be the most academically astute students. Yes, I know that there are bright athletic students who work hard to maintain their academic success and I am not belittling them at all. And yes, I am biased in favor of any art form, so my comments have a little prejudice to them, but I am not ashamed of that - it's who I am.

Now playing - Dig My Heels, the 77s.