Friday, April 4, 2008

the struggling talent

Today is my school's Talent Show. I've been helping another teacher organize it for the last six years and MC it every year. It's something I truly enjoy. In a school where sports are king, it's nice to display talent that doesn't require a jock-strap. Education is in a very frustrating downward spiral where the arts take a back seat to testing and sports. They fail to realize that artistic students more often than not happen to be the most academically astute students. Yes, I know that there are bright athletic students who work hard to maintain their academic success and I am not belittling them at all. And yes, I am biased in favor of any art form, so my comments have a little prejudice to them, but I am not ashamed of that - it's who I am.

Now playing - Dig My Heels, the 77s.